
Blank canvas…

– The Charly’s team Travel Wish List – One of the dangers of working at Looking for Charly is that every day you are constantly exposed to dangerous levels of wanderlust. It’s not easy to remain at your desk when you have to contend with images of tropical lagoons,…

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The ultimate dream : the World Tour !

Everyone has their own dreams, depending on how busy they are, their budget, what they are passionate about and what motivates them. For some people, a World Tour means exploring five continents and taking your time. Alone, with your family or as a couple…

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A World Tour Adventure…

Jean-Christophe and his clan take the first steps towards a world tour ! D-100… Our explorer is ready to embark on an extended trip around the world with his wife and their four boys. We will follow his preparations and of course the trip itself, which will…

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Nous sommes là pour vous

Nous contacter !​

Complémentaires et complices, nous portons un regard novateur sur le monde du voyage. Un regard nourri par des années d’expériences, qui ont forgé notre caractère et nous ont donné des convictions. Indépendants, réactifs, connectés, nous nous voulons designers de voyages exclusifs, disponibles à tout moment, chercheurs infatigables