Bears in the spotlight

Alcune idee dal mondo...

le 05/04/2019



 There are trips that you never truly come home from, as the intensity of the memories they create instantly pull you back to the experience. They immerse you into the wilderness, perfectly preserved environments and unexpected encounters. Wildlife photography expeditions to Canada’s Great North are exactly this kind of voyage that leaves an indelible mark on your soul.

Zoom in on two wildlife watching trips in Northern Canada.

Today Looking for Charly focusses on two of these experiences.
First, take an incursion into the territory of the legendary grizzly bears of British Colombia.
Second, take a dive into the cold waters of the kingdom of the polar bear.
What does that make? A very exclusive summer excursion following in the tracks of the mammal that is the symbol of North America (and be careful, they aren’t like the bears you see in cartoons).

And the golden bear goes to..




Diving with polar bears (and no, that isn’t a typo, you did read it right) with one of the greatest specialists in the world of underwater photography is truly the experience of a lifetime, nothing more, nothing less.


Who is Mario Cyr?

The Spielberg of the ocean’s depths, Mario Cyr captures the marvels of the glacial waters that are lapped up by National Geographic and world-famous film producers.
The adventurer from Quebec has braved the ice for the most beautiful images of the Arctic and Antarctic ever captured for the likes of the BBC, Disney, Arte and the Discovery Channel, to name but a few. Although his films tell of a world that people under the age of 20 will never get to experience (thanks to global warming), the talks that he gives captivate audiences with the strength of his narrative and the otherworldliness of his expeditions.
In order to immortalise the underwater beauty he sees, the explorer emeritus dives in head first to bring you face-to-face with walruses, seals, beluga whales, polar bears and great white sharks. It’s the original thrill!

“Knowledge you acquire over the years is worthless unless you share it.” (Mario Cyr)


The pitch 

Accompanied by the seasoned cinematographer and diver, you will camp on the ancestral lands of the Inuit and navigate in search of walruses, narwhals and beluga whales. Don’t forget to wave at the caribou as they pass in the very particular light of the midnight sun. A little further away, curious seals from the Ukkusiksalik National Park poke their heads out of the water as if they are posing for a picture. Then a movement catches your eye under the surface of the water… Could that be a polar bear swimming peacefully by? It’s the perfect moment to throw yourself into the water to rub shoulders with the King of the Arctic evolving in synchrony with its natural habitat only a few meters away. It is a rare experience that until now only a handful of lucky travellers have enjoyed.

The best time to watch polar bears is between 15th June and 1st July.
2019 expedition: contact us.



While any (normal) human would do everything in their power to avoid coming face to face with a grizzly, Denis Palanque does things differently. And for good reason. The solitary photographer who will support you on your journey with passion is inspired by the solitary bear.


But who is Denis Pallanque?

Denis Palanque is a wildlife photographer who specialises in conservation, the environment and science.

You have probably already seen his photos without knowing it on the front page of National Geographic or in reporting assignments in the magazine Terre Sauvage.
His dual occupation as both biologist and photographer enables him to grasp subjects with the sensitivity of an artist and the knowledge of a scientist. It is an unprecedented combination that makes this great traveller the ideal guide to immortalise your encounter with the grizzlies.
Throughout the trip, Denis Palanque will share the art and techniques of wildlife photography with you. Image composition, balancing contrasts and connections to the subject are the key to taking original shots that are full of emotion.

“We should no longer be content with our photography simply relaying a message or information wrapped up in a nice composition. Our photos should also push the viewer to ask themselves questions on their role and their relationship with nature.”

(Denis Palanque)


The pitch

Rooted to your small boat in the middle of the Atnarko River, you hold your breath as you play with focal length. Then suddenly the imposing brown silhouette rears up on its paws to leap onto its prey (not you, a wild salmon!). You instantly feel at one with nature. But this doesn’t mean you should get too close to this mythical creature. The grizzly, who comes down from the mountains to take advantage of the wild salmon runs in the rivers of Tweedsmuir Park, can’t help but strike a pose. The formidable power of nature radiates from its deft claws, its watchful gaze and its coat glinting in the first light of dawn. It is a stunning sight for experienced photographers and enlightened amateurs alike.

The best time to watch the bears of Tweedsmuir Park is from 25th August to 15th October.
2019 expedition: contact us


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