Her philosophy
The foodie
Originally from the South of France, this serene foodie has kept her taste, of the good, of the get-together and the connection, all with a contagious enthusiasm. Nothing brings her to life more than travel projects with real meaning, such as grandparents reunions with their children and grandchildren, the travels of mothers and daughters or sons and fathers, a surprise anniversary on the other side of the world, to celebrate years of marriage or the 18th birthday party of a firstborn ..All occasions, all voyages are special. And the preparation that goes into all of these events are as important as the result itself.
Mother of 4 children, she is an expert at keeping happy the old and the young, adapting to a group always rich in different expectations. Nothing tires her out. This triple marathon winner is a persevering soul, every trip and every voyage is planned in the smallest of details. But as she explains, I put as much importance in moments of downtime, so guests can enjoy moments of discovery, because its also important to relax and breathe, to fully enjoy your trip.
Her first professional experience was in human resources, Gaëlle has maintained her talent of reading people. From your first meeting for a trip, she will get the bottom of your desires. For Gaelle, travel is first of all a personal experience to live, the itinerary should be planned differently for each person. There is no one recipe and everything is tailor-made from A to Z.
Her expertise: first of all its ABOUT HAVING FUN (and taking care of yourself) she delights in surprising her guests, bringing them challenges, and seducing them with the unknown.
Her motto: «A beautiful trip is like a gift that keeps giving day after day».
Her secret dream?
Putting people first at the foremost of her projects, she delights in surprising the traveller and revealing something profound in them. The Earth is vast, and it’s the time to rediscover it in full, feeling good, sharing, connecting, sharing, all of these ingredients mixed together which makes for the ultimate experience. And during her free time, she will continue to get her friends together with a glass in the hand, whilst watching a sunset and ‘kidnapping’ her husband, as she loves to say, for an escapade just the two of them, ready to try out a new address.
Contact Gaelle
- France, Italy...
- +33 6 83 15 14 11